How Do You Define Terroism

We've all heard about terrorism. It didn't start with 911 and the attacks against The United States. It started long ago. Even back in the days of Christ it was present and long before. Just imagine being taken hostage and fed to lions. Just imagine being taken hostage and forced to fight another human being to the death.
What about what was done right here in the United States. What about the Indian Nations, the wars? What about the slave trade and what was done to the people of the African nation that were brought here in chains and irons? What about abortion? Do not all these things qualify as terrorism?
I guess it depends upon how you look at it. I would imagine that even the people of Iraq, the everyday citizens, the mothers, father and children were terrorized. Just imagine a bomb killing your entire family and your just a child. I would imagine that every time a bomb falls on the innocent, they feel terrorized. So what is a terrorist? Is it a group of people that blow people up, blow up cars to kill people, that attack hotels, take hostages and so on? Yes, that is definitely a form of terrorism.
Personally, I feel that anytime a human being's life is being threatened regardless of the reason or so called justification. That is terrorism. Life, all life, should be held with the very highest of regards, respected, protected at all cost, not taken by acts of terror. And to sacrifice the innocent to root out the evil, is a great sin.
Love conquers all things, love overcomes all things, for love not killing, is the greatest of all gifts.
In His Glorious Name Ministries Online